Burlington County Library Teens

Welcome to the Burlington County Library System's blog for teens (or Young Adults in libraryspeak)! We blog about the Teen Advisory Board, teen programs at the library, new books, and lots of other stuff, and we really want to hear your ideas. So please read and comment, or email the YA librarian.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

What's Been Going on in August and What's Coming Up

Here are pictures from some of the programs teens did here at the library this summer. This was our teen summer spa (pictures of people getting pumpkin facials not posted in order to protect the innocent!).

And these fleece pillows - don't they look great!

Check out the Goth Sock Puppets!

And a blast from the past - tie dye!

And this doesn't even include the DDR/Karaoke program, or the anime marathon! Summer reading officially ends this Friday, so if you've been taking part, don't miss our Make Your Own Ice Cream Sundae party on Wednesday, August 23 at 1:00 pm. We'll be having drawings for Creature Feature t-shirts and two sets of passes to a Camden Riversharks home game.

The Teen Advisory Board has lots more planned for the coming year, including a possible cosplay event for Halloween, a Halo tournament, and (fingers crossed) a library lockin, so keep checking for more info.


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